Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Battle stations, Battle stations! All hands to Battle stations!

I was going to start this off by saying that this is increasingly becoming my sailor diary, and then I remembered that it’s been that since its inception. Simply put, that’s all it may ever be, but that’s enough. It’s at a minimum a place I can toss all my digital stuff so I can access it easier. Haha, its something.

Onwards and upwards as they say.

One of my closest friends has been on a “militant atheist” kick for a bit, and it’s got me thinking. Now I was raised catholic, and while I can recall being a young child and praying for childrenesque things, I cannot actually recall believing in god. It’s always been a subject that I have not understood really. Not to say I don’t know anything about it, quite the contrary really, I was an alter boy, and took bible study classes until I was 14. What I do not understand is how people bought into it. I guess those priest were right for never giving me the wedding or funeral ceremonies (the ones that paid, 10 dollars!). I understand the concept, and how people would want to believe, but not the actual believers. Much alike childhood me, wishing I was adopted, and that my real parents were going to come rescue me from a life where ramen was considered a delicacy. I knew how great it would be for there to be a “god” but knew there was not. To this day I still wonder if anyone truly believes, or is just having a lapsed episode of faith remorse. They must, no body would go out and kill someone in the name of some wizard they didn’t TRULY believe existed right?

Well, maybe not…

I myself could not see myself wanting to murder someone. Sure, self defense, of course. In defense of those I love? No problem. Defense of an innocent? Yeah, I guess. Defense of someone I don’t know? Mmmm… Maybe… Someone for any other reason? Unlikely. Not everyone out there shares this moral objection I have. It serves to me to label those who would do such a thing as crazy. You can see the point in trying to make here. Those who would do such a thing, without a reason that is rational, are by definition are irrational. Irrationality is but one handful of shit away from full on asshat insane.

So this got me to thinking, that sure, there are those who would believe in a god without a rational reason, just as those who believe in murder without a rational reason. Is that to say all religious people are crazy? Yes... With all things, with exception of mathematics, there are levels here. Not all religious people are “EAT ALL THE SQUIRRELS, THEY HAVE WMD’S!!!” tinfoil hat, room full of containers of their own excrement crazy. For that level to even exist, there must be something contrasted to it. Perhaps lady who owns 10 cats who all have sweaters crazy. Sure, I won’t let her watch my kids, but she’s not hurting anyone right?

We can be too sure about that really… But we do know we can’t put both those people under the same level of care, and expect any real results. That’s to say, there is no universal cure. Some people will be born into this insane asylum of religion, other will be put their on their own accord… The end result is the same… Just a bunch of nut jobs in one place that we don’t really know what to do with. We don’t know how to handle it. Some can be treated, but those are the ones who weren’t really sick to begin with. The problem won’t go away on its own, and we can’t just throw them from a cliff like their defective babies in Sparta. How do we realistically solve this dilemma? I propose, that like all great dilemmas of our time, we do nothing. Nothing at all, hope the problem either disappears on its own, and hope someone in the future generations to come will solve it. We all know this is not a real solution, and that something needs to be done, here, now, TODAY. But what? And who will do it?

Think im wrong? Either your just ignoring the issue in your own right, or your part of the institution. Either way, you must agree… Asking the dangerous lunatic in restraints how to “fix” him is not going to have a result that anyone (save the lunatic) can consider favorable.

What do you think?

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