Sunday, September 22, 2013

The culture of "you".

Okay there folks...

This one is going to get a bit awkward, but hey.... Gonna go there. Sometimes you're in town for less than 24 hours, and the liver cannot be punished further, the lungs burn any more, and thinking is the only avenue left. So without further ado, i will present my latest advent of information i have logically gained from expulsions of body. The culture of you.
"mellow out... maaan"

As a matter of fact, all there every is, was, or will be is energy. Definitions can be made, measurements taken, notes annotated, numbers crunched... But what are you really doing? Using tiny particles, held together loosely by ionic bonds and electromagnetism in a certain array and configuration that it applies a set of principles slightly different than your body to perceive a few variations in vibrations at frequency, which its all limited to your meager meat husks input capabilities. Hrmm... What the FUCK does that mean? Simply put.... The nature of consciousness is essentially tied to itself, and the universe, through an inverse loop of necessity and symbiotic pragmatism.

What do we know about the inception of the universe and its continued dawdled drawl towards a entropy laden collapse? Well, as quantum mechanics, and Mr Hawking would have us believe, its all about the concept of perfection, and how it is not true, EVER, but without it being true, nothing would EVER exist.

Yeah, hold on for a second there jimmy.... strap yourself in, this is going to get weird for a second.

So. How is it ever plausible for "anything" to be. Clearly, there can be no such thing as a singularity. Now, im not telling the universe what to do here, its just a matter of fact. You cant have 1, without counting. You cant count, without a reason to. Counting sole purpose is to take your perception of things, and annotate it in a numerical fashion to differentiate it from something else. How can you compare something, to nothing. You cannot. Even if that something is the only thing that exists.....

OK, so lets do a little thought experiment here for a second. Close your eyes (not yet, nincompoop, after you read this then do it.). Try and conceive ONE thing. What do you see? A Sphere? WRONG. Whats more than one thing. If you can SEE it, then clearly it emits something to be seen, same goes for a sound, or any of those normal perception of "Stuff" that we intrinsically have at our disposal as a sensory input. But for heavens sake of sanity... Feel free to ignore this portion, because that's so far as i know, the only real way to communicate these ideas to one another. Now lets try again. Lets do an INFINITESIMAL  point. So small, its beyond any comprehension of size you could ever fathom. No... Smaller. Sigh... Stop, you cant fathom it.... Just go with it. So reaaaaaaaaly reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly tiny. Like teensy. Now, there's that. Got it? Cool. Now check this shit. Why is it "small"? If its the only thing, relative to our dot, its the biggest thing. Also the smallest. Its the ONLY thing. Its the hottest. Its the COLDEST. At the same time. Like a solitary Digorno pizza in the oven, its at both times the WORST pizza (but its not delivery!!!) in there, and also the best. The one with the cheese closest to mouth roof searing terrifying liquid magma heat, and ice cold hypothermia tongue shattering liquid nitrogen cold.


"My suit.... it gets darker when i use with my brain thingy"

Yeah... Its going deeper boys and girls...
Change your panties now, we might not be coming back.

So, how can we compare "one thing" to itself? Its not just impossible, its imposibruuuu!

So, back to Mr Hawking, waveform collapse, and a little more sanitizing clarity, then after the jump, we will smash in any brain nuggets you have left.

So, as Mr Hawking suggests (and clearly his "suggestion" is slightly more logical than your friend dan suggesting ICP has it all figured out "maaan".) that the universe was first "created" when an imperfection appeared in the "one thing" that "was" (because its didn't really exist yet). There was not only one thing anymore, and BOOM, that shit instantly PANTS SHITTING INSANO fast exploded in a cascading chain of event comparison and "relativitisng" what makes one thing, different from the other, commonly referred to as the big "bang". Booom bada bing baby. ONE turning to TWO, led to INFINITY (and beyond!).
how.. whut. WHY. Well, lets get to the meat and potatoes of this baby girl... Quantum interactions of probability waveform collapse.

So its been "proven" that the pure measuring of something is what defines it. A particle cannot be measured if it is not "there" to be measured. Through a very large schism of mathematical equations, that i wont bother to even pretend to understand or conjure, a "particle" is probabilistic-ally tied to location trough a gambit of perception. As we covered above, one thing is not true. So this particle, until perceived, exists in isolation. not compared to anything. No difference, then it doesn't exist. Also, its everywhere. At all times, forward and backwards, and is also all things, as its the only thing. GAAAH. Is it really? No, but yes. Probabilistically, the odds that a single photon is in the Andromeda galaxy cluster 3.2 billion years from now is probably pretty slim. Like 0.0000...0001 slim, but as the double slit experiment proves, its all about that probability. Yeah... it is.

Dont leave yet....
When something is "consciously"  inspected, it is realized in actuality in its singular location, at the time it is inspected. "Whoa, are you saying i can thing the universe away?"... No, well, maybe, but probably not. Just think about what you measuring right now. Is you ass in a seat? Thats your body weight, gravity, clothing type, chair material density, height from the floor, yada.... yada... Thing is... Your on earth... Maybe. So you got gravity. But even the earths gravity is effected by the moons orbit, and then again the sun. Which is in turn, effected by the gravity of a black hole in the center of our galaxy. Which itself is being bombarded with photons from different galaxies. Those photons are swayed by "flux" in the space-time curve by other black holes they pass on their way here. Bing.... Badda... Boom. So there you have it... Your intrinsically responsible for the birth of the universe, just by having an ass in the chair.

To quote Sir Samuel Jackson: "Hold on to your butts.... Motherfucker".
"I... I made the ... Universe??"

So what the fuck else am i going to talk about??? Well, contrary to my last post... This is the culture of "you" and how its the single most important event, besides "me", which is only second to "you". Dang.
Think about this here. The universe, exists only because of a SLIGHT variation. The fact there is no perfect. However, for that to exist, it needs its inverse... Thats where "you" come in. "me?" you say? no.... "You". Try and think of nothing for a moment. Quiet your mind. Go ahead. No little voice. No "Me". Perceive nothing. Cant do it??? Some Buddhist spend their entire life's striving for this, and eventually, fail. Im fairly certain to achieve "oneness" as they would like would be catastrophic. Well, at least for them. You would certainly perish, probably. Or maybe just sleep reaaaly good.

You are the culmination of millions of years of perfection. Only the best survived. Only the apex lived on. Only those who could pass down the most effective mutations are allowed to exist. Because if they did not, the would be nothing. Your plane of existence, is as a perfect sphere, on perfectly level surface. It rolls no where. It does nothing. It is nothing. You are nothing. Simply put, life on this planet, and the very nature of the universe itself is based upon balance. Everything here has been struggling to exist. Hold onto "its self". Its personal "me". To make energy "mine" so it can still exist. Keep entropy at bay for just a little longer. "Me, me, mine, gimme, me, me, me, me, me, me, gimme". However, this, as i stated in my last post, is not a bad thing. Because, without "me", there never was a "you". And without "you", there would be nothing.

This is why we are so drawn to conflict. The best stories... Star Wars, Jedi verses Sith. One screaming about the selfs "power" and ultimately a stronger "me". The other... "you", wholly selfless. The Ying. The Yang. The matrix. The everything since ever. One... verses the other. One for itself. The other for "everything". The "Is". The "is not". One keeping the universe here... the other seeking to destroy it. Its very VERY easy to get stuck in the cycle of "me.". Heck, you are essentially designed for it, and nothing else. There should be no guilt over it. Its, what is. As a fractal kaleidoscope, cycling down, faster and harder the more its there. "me" cannot exist, but must. Perfect oneness cannot be achieved, but must be. Nothing is "mine" everything is "yours", but its all "mine as well". Your perfect sphere, rolling slightly imperfect plane with a tilt... Gaining momentum, becoming more perfect, but by its very definition, making the hill steeper. Gaining speed. Getting closer to real perfection at every moment, then accelerating itself faster towards non existence in its singular goal. Highlander... Will "me" ever win over "you"? Entropy says yes. There can be only one. But remember... For there to be only one... there must be two, and so it begins anew.

Shine on people. "Is" or "is not" is all... I prefer to be an "is"-er. But also a Jedi. If im gonna is, its gonna be for the sake of is not. Paradoxical, yes... but its what is. To be one, you must love, even love hate. Is.... Is.

"Is, or is not. There is no is is not"

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Of quantum importance.

Long before the big bang, there were but the word smiths. As varied as the snowflakes, each brought their individual strengths to the table of words. Here is where everything began.

Deltria could hardly contain her excitement. Here it was, the crowning achievement of her cycle, ready to be laid bare before all the others. It was once in a words smiths cycle they could approach such an honorable merit. She did not intend to waste it. She strode both to and fro in the ether, awaiting the others to vibrato into the vocal chamber. Less a teleportation, and more a decision to exude ones being at a point, the vibrato essentially allowed all words smiths to be where they want, at the moment of wanting. The ether quickly filled with first the most eager of words smiths, but followed closely by the most adept. Punctuality did not exist yet, as time itself was but a meager crumb to the unsatiable appetite of of the words smiths.

Here was her moment, she felt as if a cake in the oven, moist and ready to deliver herself to whet their appetites.

She felt the nagging question as to her means, but quickly abandoned those thoughts. "There is no because..." she began the mantra she spate her whole life, "There is but the why, answer less.... So we ask it seek us." finishing along with the others.Surrounded by peers of exuberant means, she exposed the core of her idiom. "This," she began with the nervousness of a inundated novice "is our solace. Our way out of the oblivion that is to be. Our choice factor. I present, for the inquisition of my peers, the quantum-telemitication device.". She allowed them to probe for meaning for just a scant width of being, then pushed forward.

"Such is that it will show us the path, of both noblest and unbeknownst structure, we could not righteously find within our cycle. It will allow us to see the paths our words travel."

Friday, May 3, 2013

Feeling pensive today. Here is a short story excerpt for you guys. Let me know your thoughts.

"Remember, a wizard never only listens...". The last spoken words from his mother echo'ed in his mind as he awoke from slumber. Always the same dream. Always. Matters not, today was the day Balistar would wed his "beloved" and finally leave this shit hole of a planet.

It had been a hard 3 months since theta squadron landed on this planet. The inhabitants, though wonderfully perceptive and hospitable, were naive to the bone. The audacity they had to actually invite him to travel to their planet and mine what they wanted was so obtuse, it was thought a ruse. Balistar drew up meticulous battle plans, harbored the most deranged crew hew could muster, all with the cunning of the most sly shrew. At most their forces could have lasted a month against not only their superior firepower, might, and his crews desire for mayhem. Upon arrival, immediate action into his plan. After scatter-ray fusion bombardment, nearly half their population was already decimated, capital locations shattered, logical choke points entrenched with no less than a battalion of troops, and all ships within minimum firing distance for their High Approach Velocity Oppenheimer Kinetic (HAVOK) cannons of all mass populace areas. They simply stood by which they said. "It is all yours undooko".

These type of gears cannot be unwound. Hell, after 6 months of hypersleep, his crew needed to strech...


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Hello again friends and internet strangers, this will be a depart from the “usual” humor, and rather be a somber piece, just warning you… douche bag (had to have at least ONE insult). I want to start out by saying I didn’t want to post this. At first, I thought I would make it a song. Then in a rare moment of inspiration, I decided to make it an animated YouTube video. Something wonderful! I plotted about the months it would take me, about the hard work it would take, and ultimately I dashed my owned hopes. I remembered just how many people read my blog, when I actively posted to it, and when I tried to promote it to my friends. Then I recalled my songs I’ve written, how much I’ve promoted them to friends, and how many have listened. Then I thought how those made me feel. I’ve all but given up on music now, the same with art, and most of my writing. Why is that? Is it not in your soul Dustin? To answer your question, why yes, yes it is. Where I happily (or unhappily) keep it. The images much more clear in my head than I could ever paint them. The words unsullied by sentence structure. The lyrics unmarred by the pace of the beats. Perfect in their essence, without the dreadful peacocking of them, followed by an all around gust of “eh” as people don’t even click the link. So without further ado, I present to you, the current drama in my life, bane of my heart, and crusher of my soul.

The Culture of “Me.”.

I do not blame man, for if not them another would rise, perhaps more terrible, but the same none the less. If I could do any one thing, be it from a genies wish, or from a pixies kiss, I would travel back and stop it all. Not back to when society began using money, and seeding the greed of our hearts. Not back to when we cut the first tree’s to burn for warmth, or homes. Not back to when we fought nail on tooth to eat. Not to when the first tool was sought as a branch to twill ants from their dust holes. Further. Back further. I would take, that essential quark, and move it, mid expansion in the planck time era. That one single mote of energy that there, at the right time caused just the right interaction, with the right essence of matter that fed the first coalescence who fed gravitations into galaxies and stars at just the right spot. Not out of hate for man, or malice for mice, but understanding of pains so burdened from life. 3.6 billion years ago the first. Born from a cosmic chance and whom knows what untold time passing and universes lasting into our time. The first, among them more than one. The birth of need. The start of competition. The end of everything. In the face of this began the culture of me. Me! I am special. I must spread myself. I will leave a legacy. Even in those simple one celled organisms it was there. They were not all right, not all them perfect to spread. Not all the highest form of their respective forms. Yet the drive there was the same. Many failed. Every instance of one who did not scream from its very center “ME! ME IT’S ME! TO BE IT ALL!” fell short. Every instance of minor mercy punished. Every slowness to destroy, reverted on its owners. For millennia, only those who screamed the loudest prevailed. Continued. Evolved. Grew smarter, faster, better. More for the drive, more voice to scream “ME!”, more strength to push “you” away for “me.”.  As it must be. The grind continues, the plight thickens, just in nature alone a trillion voices screaming out “ME” louder and louder in concert, until all the land and air vibrated with its notes. So much of it, it began to balance. So much it became resonant. Still, at any given time, had one ceased to push its own agenda, gone. Instantly snuffed out in the smear of time that was its lifespan. A smudge below the already dirty past. Somehow, we prevailed. Screaming more and more than any. We could not be bested, but still inside each of us, the echoes of the past rings as clearly now than ever. Silencing voices of all the others, not by competing, but by raising the noise floor. “ME!” We scream each of us when alone, when together, when crying or dying, or even at home. Each who does not, drowned in guilt, sorrow, until they can stand it no longer and either scream and fight to rejoin, or quietly fade into self oblivion. Protest many do that “us” cannot happen. WILL not happen. Could not happen. Everything is possible. From one mote to planet, to mankind to others. It has happened one way, but why not another. 3.6 billion years of “Me.” Is why. Each “us” or “you” gone. Even now when defeated the natural order of our own machinery of making, 3.6 million years of “Me.” is in our core. Each of us. Every single one. Hate it. Defy it at will. Pretend it’s not there. It still rings as true as the first time it was screamed against the bleakness to ears unhearing. Me. Always was. Always will be.

So I say, for us… to be at any peace. We must beget the me, for the sound cannot be erased, once echoed out, ringing for eternity. Let us hope I am wrong, and for the sake of your “Me.”, that it is not I whom travels back first.