This one is going to get a bit awkward, but hey.... Gonna go there. Sometimes you're in town for less than 24 hours, and the liver cannot be punished further, the lungs burn any more, and thinking is the only avenue left. So without further ado, i will present my latest advent of information i have logically gained from expulsions of body. The culture of you.
"mellow out... maaan" |
As a matter of fact, all there every is, was, or will be is energy. Definitions can be made, measurements taken, notes annotated, numbers crunched... But what are you really doing? Using tiny particles, held together loosely by ionic bonds and electromagnetism in a certain array and configuration that it applies a set of principles slightly different than your body to perceive a few variations in vibrations at frequency, which its all limited to your meager meat husks input capabilities. Hrmm... What the FUCK does that mean? Simply put.... The nature of consciousness is essentially tied to itself, and the universe, through an inverse loop of necessity and symbiotic pragmatism.
What do we know about the inception of the universe and its continued dawdled drawl towards a entropy laden collapse? Well, as quantum mechanics, and Mr Hawking would have us believe, its all about the concept of perfection, and how it is not true, EVER, but without it being true, nothing would EVER exist.
"eh?" |
So. How is it ever plausible for "anything" to be. Clearly, there can be no such thing as a singularity. Now, im not telling the universe what to do here, its just a matter of fact. You cant have 1, without counting. You cant count, without a reason to. Counting sole purpose is to take your perception of things, and annotate it in a numerical fashion to differentiate it from something else. How can you compare something, to nothing. You cannot. Even if that something is the only thing that exists.....
OK, so lets do a little thought experiment here for a second. Close your eyes (not yet, nincompoop, after you read this then do it.). Try and conceive ONE thing. What do you see? A Sphere? WRONG. Whats more than one thing. If you can SEE it, then clearly it emits something to be seen, same goes for a sound, or any of those normal perception of "Stuff" that we intrinsically have at our disposal as a sensory input. But for heavens sake of sanity... Feel free to ignore this portion, because that's so far as i know, the only real way to communicate these ideas to one another. Now lets try again. Lets do an INFINITESIMAL point. So small, its beyond any comprehension of size you could ever fathom. No... Smaller. Sigh... Stop, you cant fathom it.... Just go with it. So reaaaaaaaaly reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly tiny. Like teensy. Now, there's that. Got it? Cool. Now check this shit. Why is it "small"? If its the only thing, relative to our dot, its the biggest thing. Also the smallest. Its the ONLY thing. Its the hottest. Its the COLDEST. At the same time. Like a solitary Digorno pizza in the oven, its at both times the WORST pizza (but its not delivery!!!) in there, and also the best. The one with the cheese closest to mouth roof searing terrifying liquid magma heat, and ice cold hypothermia tongue shattering liquid nitrogen cold.
"My suit.... it gets darker when i use with my brain thingy" |
Yeah... Its going deeper boys and girls...
Change your panties now, we might not be coming back.
So, how can we compare "one thing" to itself? Its not just impossible, its imposibruuuu!
So, back to Mr Hawking, waveform collapse, and a little more sanitizing clarity, then after the jump, we will smash in any brain nuggets you have left.
So, as Mr Hawking suggests (and clearly his "suggestion" is slightly more logical than your friend dan suggesting ICP has it all figured out "maaan".) that the universe was first "created" when an imperfection appeared in the "one thing" that "was" (because its didn't really exist yet). There was not only one thing anymore, and BOOM, that shit instantly PANTS SHITTING INSANO fast exploded in a cascading chain of event comparison and "relativitisng" what makes one thing, different from the other, commonly referred to as the big "bang". Booom bada bing baby. ONE turning to TWO, led to INFINITY (and beyond!).
how.. whut. WHY. Well, lets get to the meat and potatoes of this baby girl... Quantum interactions of probability waveform collapse.
So its been "proven" that the pure measuring of something is what defines it. A particle cannot be measured if it is not "there" to be measured. Through a very large schism of mathematical equations, that i wont bother to even pretend to understand or conjure, a "particle" is probabilistic-ally tied to location trough a gambit of perception. As we covered above, one thing is not true. So this particle, until perceived, exists in isolation. not compared to anything. No difference, then it doesn't exist. Also, its everywhere. At all times, forward and backwards, and is also all things, as its the only thing. GAAAH. Is it really? No, but yes. Probabilistically, the odds that a single photon is in the Andromeda galaxy cluster 3.2 billion years from now is probably pretty slim. Like 0.0000...0001 slim, but as the double slit experiment proves, its all about that probability. Yeah... it is.
Dont leave yet.... |
To quote Sir Samuel Jackson: "Hold on to your butts.... Motherfucker".
"I... I made the ... Universe??" |
So what the fuck else am i going to talk about??? Well, contrary to my last post... This is the culture of "you" and how its the single most important event, besides "me", which is only second to "you". Dang.
Think about this here. The universe, exists only because of a SLIGHT variation. The fact there is no perfect. However, for that to exist, it needs its inverse... Thats where "you" come in. "me?" you say? no.... "You". Try and think of nothing for a moment. Quiet your mind. Go ahead. No little voice. No "Me". Perceive nothing. Cant do it??? Some Buddhist spend their entire life's striving for this, and eventually, fail. Im fairly certain to achieve "oneness" as they would like would be catastrophic. Well, at least for them. You would certainly perish, probably. Or maybe just sleep reaaaly good.
You are the culmination of millions of years of perfection. Only the best survived. Only the apex lived on. Only those who could pass down the most effective mutations are allowed to exist. Because if they did not, the would be nothing. Your plane of existence, is as a perfect sphere, on perfectly level surface. It rolls no where. It does nothing. It is nothing. You are nothing. Simply put, life on this planet, and the very nature of the universe itself is based upon balance. Everything here has been struggling to exist. Hold onto "its self". Its personal "me". To make energy "mine" so it can still exist. Keep entropy at bay for just a little longer. "Me, me, mine, gimme, me, me, me, me, me, me, gimme". However, this, as i stated in my last post, is not a bad thing. Because, without "me", there never was a "you". And without "you", there would be nothing.
This is why we are so drawn to conflict. The best stories... Star Wars, Jedi verses Sith. One screaming about the selfs "power" and ultimately a stronger "me". The other... "you", wholly selfless. The Ying. The Yang. The matrix. The everything since ever. One... verses the other. One for itself. The other for "everything". The "Is". The "is not". One keeping the universe here... the other seeking to destroy it. Its very VERY easy to get stuck in the cycle of "me.". Heck, you are essentially designed for it, and nothing else. There should be no guilt over it. Its, what is. As a fractal kaleidoscope, cycling down, faster and harder the more its there. "me" cannot exist, but must. Perfect oneness cannot be achieved, but must be. Nothing is "mine" everything is "yours", but its all "mine as well". Your perfect sphere, rolling slightly imperfect plane with a tilt... Gaining momentum, becoming more perfect, but by its very definition, making the hill steeper. Gaining speed. Getting closer to real perfection at every moment, then accelerating itself faster towards non existence in its singular goal. Highlander... Will "me" ever win over "you"? Entropy says yes. There can be only one. But remember... For there to be only one... there must be two, and so it begins anew.
Shine on people. "Is" or "is not" is all... I prefer to be an "is"-er. But also a Jedi. If im gonna is, its gonna be for the sake of is not. Paradoxical, yes... but its what is. To be one, you must love, even love hate. Is.... Is.
"Is, or is not. There is no is is not" |
Well some would define that point as the 10 dimension, or 1st dimension depending which ever you would like. But that is greatly effected by super string theory which only boils down to one point. Life in its simpleness is what we make it or rather what we perceive/define individually for ourselves. So that only backs the theory that any thing is possible if you put your mind hard to it, because the answer is only there when we ask...